Thank you for choosing Outbrain. Your account strategist provided you with our JS widget code (sample below). You are just 3 steps away from being able to see our widget on your site.
Sample code
<script type="text/javascript" async="async" src=""></script>
<div class="OUTBRAIN" data-widget-id="WIDGET_ID"></div>
Step 1: Outbrain script
Place Outbrain script on your page, preferably in the header.
<script type="text/javascript" async="async" src=""></script>
Step 2: Outbrain div
Place Outbrain div in the area of your site where you would like our widget to appear.
Your account strategist will provide you with the proper WIDGET_ID value for each placement.
<div class="OUTBRAIN" data-widget-id="WIDGET_ID"></div>
Accessibility note: In order to comply with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), we recommend wrapping our div tag in an aside tag as above example.
After these 2 steps you should be able to see our widget displayed on your page. If not, please refer to our troubleshooting section here.
Step 3: Update ads.txt
Updating your ads.txt file ensures trust and transparency with both advertising buyers and sellers to deliver the highest quality content for your audience. You can find your ads.txt file on the Engage Dashboard by following these instructions.
- We use the canonical or og:url of the page, as long as one of these is consistently used across the site. If you don’t use canonical or og:urls and cannot implement them, the href location is your next best option. If none of the above applies on your site, you can dynamically send us the referring URL using the data-src parameter. To find more about this option click here.
- Please confirm our crawler IPs and user agent are whitelisted in your site.This will help us serve better paid/ organic recommendations to your audiences.
- If you are using dynamic widget loading, please refer to our dedicated help page here.
- If you are using WordPress, please refer to our dedicated help page here.