In-App JS-Widget Parameters
Navigate to Paid Recommendations

Following the developer guide instructions is mandatory to ensure app compliance.
Please make sure to follow the entire guide before submitting your app to Outbrain QA.

App specific JS-Widget parameters

It is mandatory to pass the following app specific parameters when using Outbrain JS-Widget in mobile applications:

data-ob-installation-type, data-ob-user-id, data-ob-app-ver, data-ob-installation-key


[code language=”html”]<div class="OUTBRAIN" data-src="DROP_PERMALINK_HERE"
<script type="text/javascript" async="async"


Installation Type

Add the installation type (static value) to the div:

[code language=”html”]data-ob-installation-type="app_js_widget"[/code]

Application version

Add the application version to the div:

[code language=”html”]data-ob-app-ver="DROP_APPLICATION_VERSION_HERE"[/code]

Partner Key

Add the partner key that you received from your account manager:

[code language=”html”]data-ob-installation-key="DROP_PARTNER_KEY_HERE"[/code]

Unique User Identifier

In native apps and cookie-less environments, it is mandatory to send a unique and consistent identifier for each user.
For mobile apps, this is the Google or Apple Advertising ID. For desktop apps, this may be an ID that you need to generate.

If your app offers a universal opt-out for ad-tracking: for opted-out users, please pass the value “null” (case sensitive) – see examples below. This should be tested before submitting your app to Outbrain QA.

In addition to this identifier, Outbrain has a cookie sync solution. Talk with your account manager to decide if your app is eligible.

Add the data-ob-user-id attribute to the div:

[code language=”html”]data-ob-user-id="UNIQUE_USER_IDENTIFIER"[/code]

In case the user is opted-out:
[code language=”html”]data-ob-user-id="null"[/code]

Optional parameter for HTTPS support

In case your app needs to support HTTPS calls to Outbrain’s back end, add to the div:
[code language=”html”]data-is-secured="true"[/code]

Navigate to Paid Recommendations

It is recommended to navigate to the user’s default browser for all paid recommendations, rather than using a native webview inside the app.

Please make sure to open the paid recommendation via Outbrain redirect URL ( without any URL manipulation.